Sunday, September 13, 2015

I'm back!!! I made it back to Rexburg, Idaho for another crazy year of college. I'm excited for this semester! It's definitely going to be a challenging one but I have awesome roommates and it's only just started. I know it's been a long time since my last post and that's my fault. Like over a year... oops! Well I'm gonna try even harder this time to keep it up :)
First off I can't believe I've started another year up here! I'm half way through and it's weird to say it's 5th semester...I'm a junior...WHAT?! Now I get to start looking for internships and thinking about graduation. Time is certainly flying. But I'm so excited for what the future holds. I've made a big change in my life and hopefully it works out for the better :) My life has been so crazy and unexpected and I'm happy it is because who wants a boring life! I mean come on, who wants to sit around all day with no interactions and do the same thing over and over, day after day, week after week. Not me! Classes start tomorrow and I'm nervous as all get out. I don't know why, I just am. But I've made it a goal to keep to the positive side of everything in my life, no more negative nelly or negative thoughts, only positive ones!! Like, the weather up here is AMAZING!!! It's almost fall and the leaves will start changing and I can wear cute fall outfits (even though I end up going back to my t-shirts and jeans with a jacket after a few days). I can't wait to see what's going to happen this semester!! I'll keep you updated.
Have a fan-freaking-tastic week!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Wow, I can't believe this semester is almost over. I've almost completed a whole year of college.....CRAZY to think that I was getting ready to graduate from high school a little less than a year ago! Time really does fly. Looking back to where I was a year ago, I've come a long way. I've been through trials, and low points, I've had good times and bad, I've smiled and laughed till my stomach hurts, I've cried till there were no more tears left in me. I've become a stronger individual and come to know myself better. I've had some amazing experiences and some I'd like to forget. There are many things I'd like to go back and change but I couldn't have grown as much as I have in the last year if I hadn't gone through all the ups and downs. Life is full of surprises, like breaking my ankle right before I started college across the U.S. from my home town, or making a life long friendship. College is a whole new experience and it has taught me so much this far. I can't wait to see how I change and mature through the next 3 or more years here at BYU-I.
I've struggled a lot with loneliness and that feeling of not fitting in moving here where I don't know anyone. My first semester was rough. I remember times I would question if I was really suppose to be here and if I was making the right choice. But now I know this is where I'm suppose to be. I love it up here in Rexburg Idaho! Idaho is a beautiful place, mountains, valleys, sand dunes, hot springs, bridge jumping, and so many other things. I'm going to miss the college atmosphere and social life, but I can't wait to go home and see my family and have some fun in the sun :) Hopefully I can get my tan back ;)
Now all I have to do is get through one more week of classes and then finals, let the games begin!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Well I survived mid-terms! So life has been pretty uneventful lately. Which isn't a bad thing :) But I definitely wish I had more plans for the weekends. My last few Friday nights have consisted of pinterest and movies, haha! Except this last weekend, my sister Ashley and her roommate Casey came up to visit me from Provo! We spent Saturday at the Idaho Fall's mall and went out to lunch to red robin :) Yum! Then we just spent some good quality time talking and laughing :) It was so nice to have them here. This coming weekend our sister Lauren is flying out to Utah for her spring break so I'm going down for this weekend to see her and visit Ashley :) I feel so spoiled to see her two weeks in a row! Then only 4 more weeks till the semester is over and I fly home to Florida to hopefully get a good job so I can pay for next year of college. Being an adult has its pro's and con's. Back to what's been going on. I'm singing in our Campus devotional tomorrow with the university choir :) Life is good right now, just a lot of stress with college classes and homework.

Monday, February 24, 2014

This semester is flying by! I can't believe it's midterms already! Classes get quite crazy around this time but thankfully I just finished one class so only 6 from now on :) But still 14 credits and A LOT of work! But I'm still loving college :) The hard part is balancing school and social life, well, actually just time management over all. haha! Now that it's finally getting some what warmer I don't have to wear my big heavy jacket anymore!! Now I get to wear my cute leather jacket ;) And I don't have to wear boots everyday! (by the way it got all the way up to 50!!) Lately it's only getting up to 40 and today was so nice and sunny!! Plus most of the snow has melted and I love being able to see grass again! I want spring to come already. I can't wait till I don't have to wear a jacket :) Well write later, I've got midterms to study for :s

Monday, February 17, 2014

Wow it's been forever. So much to tell. Well, christmas break was awesome!! My Sister and I flew home early and surprised our three younger sisters and friends. Our sisters reaction was hilarious!!! They literally just sat there starring at us and my mom finally yelled surprise before they actually ran up to us :) I loved getting to see my family and friends and enjoy the warmer weather :) We went and looked at the christmas lights in Saint Augustine like we do each year and as always they were beautiful! I love the christmas season and all the festivities and all the happiness and joy. We went to the beach the day after we flew home in beautiful 80 degree weather :) then i went to watch the sunrise with my BFF Shannon one morning and I had forgotten the amazing sight that it can be. We saw dolphins and an absolutely breath taking sunrise :) Then we had to fly back out here, out to the west with all the snow and ice. The night before we ended up pulling an all-nighter for our super early flight and by the time I had gotten off the plane, rode the Salt Lake Express to Rexburg (4hour bus ride), and got to my new apartment, I was totally out of it. I mostly remember getting to my apartment and showering and getting to bed. That's about it. I hear people say they pulled an all-nighter and I just look at them and think...
"How are you functioning?!" I never want to pull an all-nighter ever again. I can not function. haha! The first few weeks were stressful but after getting in the swing of things it calmed down and I'm really enjoying this semester. I absolutely LOVE my roommates this semester!! We have random dance parties and SLC meetings (Single Ladies Club) on friday and saturday nights :)
I got sick for the first time in college and I hate being sick with no one to take care of you. My roommates were really nice but I missed having my mom there to rub my back or make me soup. Plus it creates even more stress because you are missing class and you have to catch up. It was nice being able to sleep and rest but now the catch up begins.... haha. Well, with a CRAZY week ahead, wish me luck. I'll let ya'll know how it goes :)

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Sorry it's been so long, life has been crazy. So it's the week before finals and I didn't know it was possible to have this much work in one week. You'd think the professors would time your assignments better but mine didn't. I have 2 papers, a portfolio, a book report, and a journal I have to finish on top of studying for finals. Man it's nuts. So last night we had our last Family Home Evening with my group before the semester ends and we get a new group, and we played this game called pennies. For those that don't know this game, everyone writes down a few dares and you put them in a bowl or hat, then everyone takes a turn to throw a penny into a jar, you keep going until there is only one person left  that hasn't gotten one in and they have to pick a dare and do it. Well, I was the first one to do a dare. So I pulled one out, eat a spoonful of salt. So I did and I shouldn't have. I felt so sick even after drinking what seemed like a gallon of water. But we had fun :) haha!
So I went to my aunts house in Utah for Thanksgiving and I had so much fun! I really needed a break and getting to hang with my cousins was just what I needed. Then when I got back to Rexburg last week reality hit me so hard. All the homework started piling on, and then Wednesday, Thursday and Friday we had 6:30pm-10:30 or 11pm practices for our big performance in Christmas in the I-center. But all the rehearsing was worth it. It was such an incredible experience performing for thousands and spreading the Christmas spirit. Plus we had a guest performer, Nathan Pacheco and he was amazing! I can't wait to participate in it next winter :)
Well, hopefully I'll be able to find some time to blog again this week. If not, check to see if my homework killed me ;) haha. Only a week and a half till I get to fly home to FL with the nice warm weather :)

Friday, November 15, 2013

This last weekend was AMAZING! I spent the entire weekend hanging out and spending time with my sister :) I showed her around campus, had lunch at the cross roads, walked through and took pics in the Ricks Gardens, and created some awesome memories. My favorite part was just the time we spent talking and hanging out. I can't believe I'm actually in college! I think I'm liking it more and more everyday :) It's such a new and different experience and for those that are on the fence about going to college, do it. Yeah it may be scary and out of your comfort zone, but you will grow so much as a human being. I feel so free and it's really cool to make every decision for myself. Not all the decisions I have to make are fun, but it makes me feel independent and in control of my own life. Just remember to keep in touch with your family. They love you and want to be involved in your life :) I feel so blessed to be surrounded by such a strong support system, and to have a family that wants and loves me. I'm really excited because my roommate and I are volunteering at a Holiday Festival here on campus for the community! We get to help run booths and I get to play with little kids! I didn't realize how much I'd miss being around kids, but student wards are awesome! (I'm LDS btw) :) I hope you have a FANTASTIC weekend! We are suppose to have the first real snow this whole weekend. Wish me luck. Crossing my fingers that I don't slip and die. haha! :)